The coach and trainer for winning arguments and leading people
“Do not assume the other fellow has intelligence to match yours.
He may have more.”

The answer is actually another question: “who has used what kind of argumentation technique?

We use arguments in our private and professional life and take them so much for granted that we are hardly aware of it. At the same time we are very selective in applying logical or emotional rhetorical arguments.

There is a vital insight in discussions and negotiations, and that is to find out very soon how our opponent “ticks” in argumentative terms. Is he using logical or rhetorical, i.e. emotional arguments? Does my opponent want to persuade me or just to push his opinion through?

In order to act or react appropriately I supply the participants with a whole range of different argumentation techniques, so that they are also able to recognize the “dirty tricks”. On the other hand we ask questions about their personality, so that the argumentation chosen will suit them and their values. Knowing all this, they can easily decide what kind of strategy is the most effective to ensure that the next discussion or negotiation will be a success.

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